Request a School Visit

The Career Point Gurukul Boarding school request for visit page typically includes the following information:

  • A form to fill out with your personal information, such as your name, email address, and phone number.

  • A section for you to specify the date and time you would like to visit the school.

  • Instructions on how to submit the form and who to contact for confirmation of the visit.

  • Information on the school’s visiting hours, location, and directions.

  • The school’s contact information, such as a phone number, email address, and physical address.

  • Information on what to expect during the visit, such as a tour of the school facilities, and meeting with school staff, students, or representatives.

  • Safety guidelines and health protocols in light of the ongoing pandemic.

  • A section for any additional questions or comments you may have.

It’s important to keep in mind that the school may have certain restrictions or guidelines in place due to the ongoing pandemic or other reasons, so it’s best to check with the school before making plans to visit
