Home Career Planning Coaching vs. Residential Schooling

Coaching vs. Residential Schooling

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Our world is ever-evolving and so does the educational sphere. In the concurrent scenario, students of secondary school (class 6-10) and senior secondary school (class 11th and 12th) are no longer limited to mere formal school education. In addition to regular schooling, they aspire and intend to get involved in the competitive league. Thus it is obvious to find them more inclined towards competitive examinations like KVPY, NTSE, Olympiads at the pre-foundation level and exams like NEET and JEE at 10+2 level.

Hence, as a responsible parent, one always finds that a normal regular school is not sufficient for the competitive preparedness of their child. And thus this is how the search for pre-foundation coaching begins. Now there are plenty of coaching institutes that offer pre-foundation coaching programs and coaching for exams like NEET and JEE and are readily available these days to cater to these aforesaid needs.

These pre-foundation coaching institutions require their students to get enrolled into dummy schools for the purpose of board examinations. Students of these pre-foundation coaching institutes may seem to be perfectly focused on their competitive studies along with schooling.

Though they lack their natural growth and as a matter of fact, only a few students sail through the rigid schedule of studies and get the top ranks. And in the end, they become the elements of poster figures for the advertisement campaign of these coaching institutes.

Whereas the majority of the students fail to resist their tough study schedules and study pressures and get crushed emotionally and mentally, which ultimately subjects them to demoralization. Whereas the majority of the students fail to resist their tough study schedules and study pressures and get crushed emotionally and mentally, which ultimately subjects them to demoralization.

This, in turn, invokes a question that “if the process of competitive preparation for competitive exams is so much harsh and negative then weather the parents should enroll their child for the preparatory courses or not?”

Now considering these aforesaid facts, you need to discover certain facts and take a while to think about that is needed in the case of your child, before you decide anything subconsciously.

Hence to arrive at the best option we can do a comparative study of pre-foundation coaching institutes and the best option “integrated career preparation with schooling” that is followed at Career Point Gurukul.

Apart from the classical benefits of schooling, the academics methods that are followed here are developed after many hits and trials. It allows the sustainability of an average student and support and develops students of all levels, through a fragmented study technique.

Whereas the preparatory program of these coaching institutes implements single harsh study methods and techniques, where only the intelligent and extra-ordinary students stand and sustain. Whereas the rest of the students enrolled in these coaching institutes could not keep up with the pace.

Also in pre-foundation coaching institutes, students are made to approach the whole syllabus of the school curriculum along with the syllabus of competitive exams at the same time leading to the degradation in their confidence level. It makes them unable to perform even at the level of board examinations let alone the higher competitive exams.

Whereas the method of learning at Career Point Gurukul is fragmented where the whole syllabus is done multiple times, each time focused on a single target.

The academic format at CP Gurukul

The academic format or say academic schooling at CP Gurukul can be divided and understood at two levels.

  • Pre-foundations
  • Senior secondary i.e. 10 +2

Approach towards the academic learning in pre-foundation stage at CP Gurukul

The academic learning in pre-foundation (for students of Class 6th- to class 10th) stage at CP Gurukul takes place in three stages.

Phase 1st

The first phase of academic learning in pre-foundation focuses only towards the school curriculum and school syllabus, which gets finished till the month of October. It covers the syllabus of the beginning level, and it allows every level of students to perform well. Thus an average and below-average students compete well with the intelligent and extraordinary students and get their confidence build up. Moreover to it, it is this psychology of confidence that allows an average and below-average students to sustain to the further integrated career preparations.

Phase 2nd

The second phase of the academics at CP Gurukul starts from October and runs till the end of January. During this second phase of learning mathematical calculation, analytical skills and scientific outlook of a student is developed. It involves a variety of methods and lessons through the use of pre-foundation modules designed and developed for competitive examinations like KVPY, NTSE, Olympiads and others.

In the case of class 10th students, only those students are pushed further for the competitive exams that show up the internal learning stamina. The rest of those who don’t have it are left to focus only on the board examinations and secure good marks. To allow them to take up other career options where good academic scores are mandatory like options to do higher studies abroad.

Phase 3rd

This phase puts a couple of months aside for the purpose of revision. In the case of class 10th board exams, syllabus gets taught and overhauled once again before initiation of the boards

The approach towards academics and integrated career preparation at senior secondary school stage at CP Gurukul

Similarly, the academics and integrated career preparation at senior secondary school stage i.e for the students of 10+2 level are segregated into three phases.

Phase 1st

Similarly, on the lines of phase 1st in the pre-foundation level, the first phase of academic learning at 10+2 level focuses only towards the school curriculum and school syllabus. Since a student enrolled in Career Point Gurukul (a residential boarding school) gets plenty of time as every activity is planned previously to manage a variety of chores. Here a student studying in class 11th gets to finish off their syllabus of board examinations till may end of next year.

Phase 2nd

Hence in class 12th, they are left with ample time, during initiation of this period of class 12th a competitive aptitude Diagnosis tests are held to decide a further preparatory course of action. Those who exhibit learning stamina are further prepared for competitive exams like JEE, NEET, CA-CS OR SAT, ACT, and IELTS and TOEFL to study abroad at leading international universities.

Phase 3rd

In the last couple of months, revision classes are held to brush up the subjective format of studies for board examinations.
Thus, in this way, Career Point Gurukul enables every child to get the benefits of regular schooling as well as that of coaching programs. Here different individual students are not forced into a single-minded learning system. Instead, Career Point Gurukul creates an ambience to explore each individual student and let them grow to their full potential.

Understand the difference,
To let your child realize their full growth differently!

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