Home Student Corner One good turn deserves another

One good turn deserves another

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Androcles was a slave once he runs away
from his cruel master. While he was
wandering in the forest he came across a
lion near a cave. The lion roared loudly and
Androcles was scared. But it made no move to
attack him. Androcles went closer and saw that
the lion’s paw was bleeding. There was a huge
thorn in it. The lions were actually roaring in pain. Androcles felt sorry for the lion. He went near it and gently pulled out the thorn. He tore up a part of his tunic and bandaged the lion’s paw. Then he went away.

A few days later Androcles was caught by his master and sentenced to
fight a lion in an arena. On the day of the fight I Androcles was pushed
into the arena a hungry lion was released into the arena. It raced
towards Androcles, ready to tear him to pieces. But when it came
close I it stopped suddenly slouchy it moved towards Androcles and
sat quietly by his feet. Then to the astonishment of the crowd the lion
began licking his feet. The lion had recognized Androcles. It was the
same lion whom Androcles had been kind to in the forest.
The master realized Androcles was not only brave but also kind. He set
him free.

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