4 min read

Science fascinates everyone from a child to an adult. Everyone has questions but very few of them have the desire and try to find answers. These questions include reason and possible solutions i.e. ‘why’ and ‘how’ respectively. Innovation is the heart of progress and to provide a platform for some of the young innovators to showcase their talents, “Science Exhibition” was planned on 19th December in Career Point Gurukul.

A week before the exhibition, these young science enthusiasts of Career Point Gurukul worked tirelessly to bring their wildest dreams into magical reality. There is no science without experiments and experiments mean failure.

There were countless errors while making projects but our science faculty Mr Javed and Ms Farheen Naaz guided and assisted students in every possible way.

The day finally arrived when students were ready to exhibit their innovation, creativity and team work .

Once a science enthusiast himself, but now an inspiration to thousands of science students, our Honourable Director Mr Pramod Maheshwari stepped into the exhibition hall, he was greeted with the symphony of colours and sounds along with the intriguing spirits of hundreds of young scientists.

Some of the notable mentions of the projects made by Gurukullites are the depiction of Chandrayan 3 on the surface of the Moon, a Buzzer Stick made to assist blind people, an Air Purifier, Newton’s Cradle, a 3D model depicting the Solar System and many more projects were there. One of the highlights of the event was the interactive zone where visitors engaged in hands-on experiments. The exhibition was truly a feast for everyone.

The science exhibition was a celebration of curiosity, innovation and the unrelenting pursuit of knowledge. It served as a reminder that science is not confined to Laboratories but is a dynamic element that shapes our understanding of the world. As the event concluded and we left the exhibition hall, our minds filled with a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation for an incredible journey of the scientific exploration.

Arjun Gupta
Class- IX-A

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