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Labour Day Celebration at Career Point Gurukul Kota

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Honouring the backbone of our school

As the sun rose, Career Point Gurukul celebrated the 1st of May, a day commonly known as Labour Day. It wasn’t just another ordinary day; It was a day dedicated to honouring the hard work, dedication and contribution of the unsung heroes who keep our school running smoothly. The glorious morning began with a special assembly. A hosting song was sung by our talented students of the Music Club. The melody resonates all over uniting and appreciating the resilience and determination embedded by workers everywhere. Following the melodious tribute gifts were presented to all the workers as a token of appreciation for their efforts. An exceptional performance by a commerce faculty, Mr Rakesh Sharma, filled our hearts with esteem for all the unsung heroes of our school. Dance-Troupe takes centre stage, captivating the audience with their great movements, the dancers embody joy and vitality.

“All labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” keeping this quote by Martin Luther King Jr. in mind a skit was lined up to demonstrate the intimate feeling of workers. On behalf of the Gurukul family Miss Rhythm Vaishnav expressed heartfelt gratitude towards all who have contributed to making this event resounding. Success in commemorating Labour Day, we not only celebrate the achievements of the past but also reaffirm our commitment to prestige the indomitable spirit of labour and recognise the valuable contribution of workers in shaping our world.


Samriddhi Gupta (XI PCM)

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