Home Life At Gurukul Honoring Our Nation: Republic Day Celebration at Career Point Gurukul Kota

Honoring Our Nation: Republic Day Celebration at Career Point Gurukul Kota

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75th Republic Day

With utmost pride and reverence, Career Point Gurukul Kota celebrated the 75th Republic Day. The ceremony commenced with the hoisting of the tricolor flag by Principal Mrs. Sheetal Saraf, accompanied by the soul-stirring rendition of the National Anthem, a heartfelt tribute to our motherland.

The cultural extravaganza that followed showcased the talents of our students through vibrant dance performances, melodious music, and inspiring speeches. As children and teachers alike immersed themselves in the patriotic fervor, emotions of pride, love, and respect for our country resonated throughout Career Point Gurukul Kota.

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