Home Life At Gurukul National Small Industry Day celebration at Career Point Gurukul, Kota.

National Small Industry Day celebration at Career Point Gurukul, Kota.

2 min read

National Small industries day celebrated annually on August 30th serves as a vital occasion to recognize and celebrate the contribution of Small scale businesses to the global economy. These enterprises often family owned or community based play a crucial role in fostering economic growth,  creating job opportunities and driving innovation. On this day we acknowledge the resilience and adaptability of Small scale industries which operate with limited resources but achieve remarkable success through creativity and determination. Events and discussions held on Small industries day highlight the challenges these businesses face such as access to financing and market competition while also promoting policies and support systems designed to enhance their sustainability and growth. By spotlighting their achievements and addressing their needs it underscores the essential role these businesses play worldwide. To mark this day, the students from 11th and 12th commerce of CP Gurukul learned to make candles. In the process of making candles students experienced how huge the manufacturing aspect is. The main motive of this activity was to make students understand how small scale industries work. It enhanced the acknowledgement of students that how these industries innovate new ideas with less finance and resources despite heavy competition with large scale industries in market.

Shruti singh ( 11th commerce )

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