Home Events Career Point Gurukul Kota commemorates the tragic anniversary of Hiroshima Day.

Career Point Gurukul Kota commemorates the tragic anniversary of Hiroshima Day.

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August 6th is a sombre date in history marking the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. This tragic event serves as a poignant reminder of the devastating impact of the war and the urgent need for peace. In our school, we commemorated Hiroshima Day with a unique and meaningful activity: a collage making competition.

The competition aimed to honour the memory of those affected by the bombing and to foster a deeper understanding of peace and resilience through art of grade 6th to 8th participated, channelling their creativity and emotions to their collages. In the school morning assembly, a speech was given on Hiroshima Day by Miss Tanya Sharma of Class 12 PCM emphasising the impact of bomb in common citizen of Hiroshima.

Judging the competition was a challenging task, as each entry was a wonderful masterpiece. The winning collages were displayed on the notice board, serving as a visual reminder of the importance of peace and the lessons learned from history.

The winners of Grade 6th

1. Aaradhya Yadav, Archika Gupta

2. Siddharth Prakash, Stanzin Delex, Stanzin Takpa

3. Aditya Pratap, Om Bhusan , Mahendra, Deepika

The winners of Grade 7th  

1- Skarma Dorjey Wangtak , Riyansh Anand, Abhinav Mangal, Raghvendra Singh,Abhiman Gupta

2. G .shrinija , Ritika kumari

3.  Keshav Kumar Aatif rasool, Sourdeep Das ,Amit Dahiya, Vedant Raj

The winners of Grade 8th  

1. Pragun Phillips, Dev Sharma, Urgain Tsering , Krishna Raj

2. Sagnik Saha, Takhe piere, Phuntsog Daysal ,Sameer

3. Navya Soni, Akanksha Bharti, Anika Gupta, Sri Gupta, Charvi Vijayvargiya

The winners of Grade 10th  

1- Vaishnavi Gupta

2. Nambram Arvind

3. Divyanshi Chandel

For putting some light on this historic event, a newspaper making competition was held on 6th of August in Career Point Gurukul. The participation was scheduled for standard ninth and tenth. This activity not only acknowledged the students about the destruction of Hiroshima but gave the skill of report writing and intense observation of the details of a newspaper. The panoramic view of the class showed a lot of enthusiasm of the students engrossed in their work. The participation was of around fourteen students and among them our tremendous Winners were Divyanshi Chandel 10th  B at the third position, Nambram Arvind 10th A at the second position and Vaishnavi Gupta 10th B at the first position.

This Collage Making Competition not only honoured Hiroshima day but also engaged students in a reflective and educational experience. As we move forward, let us carry the lessons of Hiroshima Day with us, using creativity and compassion to build a world where peace prevails.

Pragun Praveen Philips (Class 8th)

Aditi Chandra (Class 10th)

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